Sunday, 26 April 2009

The Tale of the Nearly Married's

The Nearly Marrieds - The Greek God, The Northern Monkey and the Indie Boy

The Greek God
The unconventional choice of lust. A guy from the internet. We've met twice, snogged once. He then after told me he was with his then girlfriend, now soon-to-be wife - Mrs Greek.

Careless move, YES. But I was none the wiser! We speak every now and then on MSN and every time after the niceties of "How are you?" " How's work, your nan and your fish" the messages are "Nice Pic! Looking Hot. Reminds me of that time when.... "

All he wants is pictures and my take on the memories.

Flattered, Naturally

The Northern Monkey
Another not so great choice of someone to fancy. He's a guy on the phone. A business associate. Someone who I have never seen in person. We speak through the channels of work and is a MAJOR flirt. He wants to send me pictures to show off. Yes, show off...! Shocking I know. This guy who is sooooo in love wants to send me a picture of his thing. Even though he is cocky (excuse the pun) with his confidence he is actual very nice to me and pays me compliment that I don't get (not even from exs).
But this doesn't excuse the betrayal to his love, his fiance.

The best of the 3 is the Indie Boy. A tragic tale of love.

The Indie Boy
He's the one I have the most history with. If you like, we dated.. kind of. A few dates and stuff. There was intimacy. I was totally into him and he was into me or so I thought. A few months after it all went wrong, he started dating the future Mrs. Indie Boy.
So in love that they got engaged after about 8 months and are due to marry this May.
Yet, since their engagement he is obviously not as in love as he thinks.
This guy is like a dog on heat and don't I know it!
Every MSN conversation, private facebook message is him wanting to reminise over the good times. The times that get him excited and wanna work it off. He requests pictures, dirty talk and when i confront him with a blindingly OBVIOUS statement of "Do you not love her??" I get, "Of course I do, but there's something about you!"

These Nearly Married's strike fear and dash the hopes of any single girl. How can we meet men and trust them when these 3 examples of men who have proposed to their dearly beloved and want to commit the rest of there lives to Momogamy are breaking the boundaries of flirting. What worries me is that these ladies who are marrying the most AMAZING man they have ever met do not know what is going on when they are not around.

How can I find and meet someone when there maybe a chance that under the sweet exterior and the person you have got to love and know, that they will not do that to me...

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Anguished Commuters Unite

Rush Hour! Gr! How we all hate it! We bottle the rage, the thoughts and emotions and just hope that we don't snap at the stupid man with the protruding rucksack or the women with the constant hair flicks.
Packed like Sardines, grabbing on to anything that stops you from falling over.. the price we pay to get paid!

Luckily for me, I rarely have to stand during rush hour but from the comfort of my warn seat I see the other commuters snarling at one another, biting their tongues. Tonight was slightly different.
There was vocal rage! The train was 10 min late, the train had half the carriages it was suppose too. Cries of CAN YOU MOVE DOWN PLEASE were repeated over and over with bangs on the glass from the platform.
Generally most commuters are considerate, we move down, we make space etc... and tonight the train had considerate commuters. This however did not satisfy the ones who could not get on.

At Blackfriars, a voice bellowed; "Look, will you just move down, I KNOW you can!"
To which a lady, calmly responded.
"And to where would you like me to move sir?"
Heads emerged from papers, heads turn to look at this women.
She continues... "There is no where to move to. There is nothing to hold on to. So please, where would you like me to move to"
The voice never responded to the lady's questions. his head hung ashamed, however this prompted the ladies around her to laugh at the request to move down to and lightened the mood for just a few moments.

The next station was worse, London Bridge, people squeezed their way off to be replaced by more huffs and puffs and requests to move down. Mumbles of "this is ridiculous!" and "there's a space there" were heard.
The doors slowly closed like you trying to zip up the flies on that extremely tight pair of jeans you own. Big Breathes in by everyone and then..the mood breaks

[Cockney Accent] "I'm s'pose to be goin' Ally-Canty [Alicante] Mate, this is F**king Bollocks!"

Fantastic! A laughter erupts. The cockney geezer continues to engage in banter and those around make small talk. I find it amazing, that how that one vocal opinion in that confined situation and space, unites our anguish us as we feel what each other feel and think what each other think ...
Out Loud